Digital Creativity Faculty

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Digital Creativity Across the Curriculum

The Center of Excellence in Next Generation Computing and Creativity is pleased to announce our new Digital Creativity Faculty Program for 2016. We invite applications from faculty members from all departments at Clemson University. Applications should include a brief description of how you plan to incorporate digital creativity into your curriculum along with a syllabus for Spring.  Application deadline is December 10, 2015.

Key benefits

  • Join other faculty members and share ideas and best practices on digital creativity.
  • Receive technical support and assistance from the Center of Excellence.
  • Gain access to Adobe DPS to showcase your work and that of your students.
  • Showcase your students’ work at a special spring 2016 digital creativity event.
  • Receive travel funding to present at Adobe’s eduMAX in San Diego, CA. 2016.

More information

Jan Holmevik,

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